Poetry in the Courtyard

Readings around Life Between Buildings

July 9, 2022

  • Past
  • Performance
Photo credit:
Marissa Alper

Taking place in the museum’s Courtyard, MoMA PS1 presents an afternoon of readings by poets, writers, artists, and gardeners. Reflective of—and reflecting on—the ways that the city seeps into language, the speakers explore the intertwined histories of artmaking and struggles for common and green space in New York City. This event is presented in conjunction with the exhibition Life Between Buildings.

Alicia Grullón (The North Bronx Collective)
Eileen Myles
Urayoán Noel
Jaylen Strong
Lillian Tate (The Lower Eastside Girls Club)

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Chino García will not be able to perform. Poems will be read in his absence to honor his inclusion.


July 9, 2022 at 3:00p.m.

2022-07-09 15:00:00 -0400



22-25 Jackson Avenue Queens, NY 11101


Organized by Jody Graf and Elena Ketelsen González, Assistant Curators, MoMA PS1.


Significant support is provided by the Contemporary Arts Council of the Museum of Modern Art, with additional support provided by Jane and John Comfort.