untitled 2011 (t-shirt, no t-shirt)

Rirkrit Tiravanija

February 9, 2024

  • Past
  • Performance
Rirkrit Tiravanija. untitled 2011 (t-shirt, no t-shirt). 2011. Silkscreen equipment, worktable, T-shirts, plywood, glass, actor, and slogans. Installation view, FEAR EATS THE SOUL, Gavin Brown’s enterprise, New York, 2011. Courtesy Rirkrit Tiravanija Archive, Berlin. © Rirkrit Tiravanija

For his exhibition A LOT OF PEOPLE, Rirkrit Tiravanija (Thai, b. 1961) stages five interactive artworks as a series of plays. In untitled 2011 (t-shirt, no t-shirt), visitors can choose a slogan—from a list selected by Tiravanija for this exhibition—for performers to silkscreen onto provided cotton T-shirts that can be taken home. First presented at Gavin Brown’s enterprise in 2011, this work makes visible a collaborative assembly line, in which the products are disseminated into the world in real time. As artist and frequent collaborator Karl Holmqvist has remarked, the T-shirt texts are “formulated so as to be neither poetic nor quite political, but somehow both.”

Dylan Kim
Ming Lin
Sidian Liu
Anna-Ting Möller
Amadeo Morelos Favela
Paul Rho
Albert Samreth
Samuel Sunghyun Kim


Fridays and Saturdays,
February 9 through March 2, 2024

2024-02-09 12:00:00 -0500
2024-03-02 17:00:00 -0500


Organized by Ruba Katrib, Curator and Director of Curatorial Affairs, MoMA PS1, and Yasmil Raymond, guest curator, with Jody Graf and Kari Rittenbach, Assistant Curators, MoMA PS1.

Production: Lauren DiLoreto, Director of Program Production; Richard Wilson, Exhibition and Production Designer; Kate Robinson, Senior Registrar; Lilly Hern-Fondation, Senior Project Manager, Exhibitions and Commissions; Nick Scavo, Senior Project Manager, Music, Performance, and Events; Anna Grofik, Preparator; and Lauren Tosswill, Plays and Activations Manager.


Major support for Rirkrit Tiravanija: A LOT OF PEOPLE is provided by Maja Hoffmann / Luma Foundation, the Family of Lise Stolt-Nielsen, the Contemporary Arts Council of The Museum of Modern Art, and the International Council of The Museum of Modern Art.

Generous support is provided by Glenstone Foundation and Ellen and Michael Ringier. Additional support is provided by Stevenand Alexandra Cohen, Martin and Rebecca Eisenberg, and Craig Robins and Jackie Soffer.

Funding is also provided by Eileen and Michael Cohen and Laura Steinberg and Bernardo Nadal-Ginard.

Special thanks to Artek and Jungly Restaurant.